
The training before the training. This week was about finishing up some of the shorter speedier stuff to then dive HEAD INTO 8 weeks of high mileage (75-80) and long long runs.

Monday: 70 minutes, today I flew solo and listened to a podcast called Bad Blood, 10/10 recommend. I drove and parked at a church to run a flat loop called Fanno Creek. 9 miles 7:46 pace

Tuesday: THRESHOLD run. I was scared. It was time to see what some of the shorter faster stuff had done for my fitness. The goal was 40 minutes as hard as my bootie could run. Two mile warm up (mid 8:30s) 7 miles 6:06,6:10,6:09,6:08,6:09,6:07,6:09, two mile cool down. I was darn happy with this and ended up running a 10k PR of 38:05. It was a good day. I was also WRECKED. Today was also a core and upper body strength day. 3 sets of each: 20xpushups with a row, 20 side planks with arm extension, 20 up/down elbows to straight arm, 20 hip raises with a skull crusher, 20 push-ups alternating one leg in the air.

One of my favorite recovery activities is reading:

I’ve been asked by a few peeps for a list of the books I have been reading, here is what I’ve read recently that I would recommend:

Silent patient 

Behind closed doors 

Perfect marriage 



Four winds 

Because of her 


When the stars go dark 

The dilemma 

Confessions on 7:45

In a dark dark wood 

The last thing he told me 

Invisible life of Addie larue 

Something in the water 

The Push 

Children’s Bible 

Murder on the Orient Express

Last Mrs Parrish 

My favorite local bookstore to support is Annie Blooms

Wednesday: 6.7 miles with my running ride or die Rachel. 8:15 pace. Always wonderful to run with a friend (core)

Thursday: 70 minutes with friends, 8:21 pace, all the laughs, quite a few hills. A lot of pee stops. Full body weight workout from a friend. 3sets 1 minute of each squat to overhead press, squat to reverse lunge, side lunge to shoulder raise, dead lift to toe to tricep extension, CORE.

A weight routine I love:

Friday: a mini speed workout, didn’t keep my splits: 6×60, 5×50, 4×40 seconds. It’s harder than it sounds. The rest between each is 60 seconds had 2 miles up and down – for the day it was 9 7:50 pace

Saturday: I have the weekend OFF from long, did a warmup with a friend and finished solo. 12 miles. Easy breezy

Sunday: OFF. It wasn’t supposed to be off but a friend was running a marathon so I decided to support her and drive out, plus my body was begging for it.